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Shooters Gallery  | Amazing Video at Glendale High’s Pacific League Game by LA36 Television
Amazing Video at Glendale High’s Pacific League Game by LA36 Television
Los Angeles, CA
Truck Production
Shows, Livecast and Public Access
RSP-750M with SONY HXC-D70
About the shooter
These are Homecoming football games we have done for the past 8 years, we enjoy when the community comes together for a game like this. The game could go any way, but at the end there's always a winner. This gives us energy for an awesome shoot.
Name and content of the work piece
Hoover High vs. Glendale High in rivalry football game. Glendale Homecoming Game.
Place of filming
Pacific League game at Glendale High School
How did Libec product help your work?
It's an everyday tool for all of our camera people, we depend on libec for everything we shoot. The RHP75 head has a nice counter balance, it comes in handy when working with our broadcast cameras. We also use it for fast moving action shots with control at our finger tips
For what kind of scene effect did you choose Libec product?
We used it for long distance live recording that resulted in professional broadcast shots
How do you feel about Libec product?
We have been using Libec products for over 12 years of production. From high school football games to baseball, basketball, college football, and LA County shoots covering the presidential elections. We like using Libec products for its durability and light weight attributes compared to other systems that are too long, heavy, bulky, and difficult to use.
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